Iron ore mining is currently considered one of the most competitive and promising activities in the world's economy. Of all the metals present in modern life, steel is the most widely used - and iron ore is its primary raw material. Approximately 98% of the iron ore produced in the world is destined for steel production.
Iron ore is found in nature in the form of rocks, mixed with other elements; through industrial processes with state-of-the-art technology, it is beneficiated and then sold to steel industries. Without us realizing it, iron is present in almost everything around us in our daily lives, from the mobile phones we use to the vehicles that move us every day.
China is responsible for 2/3 of the world's iron ore consumption, with Australia, Brazil, and Russia holding almost 60% of world reserves of this product.
CSC is the first company in Angola to explore and export iron ore after the closure of the Kassinga mine in the 1970s.
Located in the Cutato village, the mining operation will have a production capacity of 1 million tons of iron ore per year.
The iron ore is exported via the Sacomar Terminal Port in Namibe province, 550 km from the Cutato mine. All transport between the mine and the terminal is undertaken by Caminhos de Ferro de Moçâmedes (CFM) using CSC's fleet of mining wagons.
The privileged logistics of outflow, combined with the quality of our ore, make this a unique project and places CSC's products in the international market with the leading players of this market.
Cutato Mine
The Cutato mine is located in the Cuando Cubango province in southern Angola, far 66 km from the steel mill and approximately 550 km away from the Sacomar Terminal Port in Namibe province.
Mining Wagons
CSC has its fleet of mining wagons to transport the iron ore to the Sacomar Terminal Port.
The entire transportation of the iron ore and pig iron from the mine and the steel mill is made throughout a brand new renovated railway, operated by CFM (Caminhos de Ferro de Moçamedes)
Sacomar Terminal Port
Our production is exported throughout the Sacomar Terminal Port, located about 8 km north of the town of Namibe, built during the 1960 decade, to export iron ore from the Kassinga mine.